Friday, April 28, 2023

Task Specialization

We separate the solids from the liquids at first for different parts of the composting process.

This is a strainer over a bucket. It lets the liquids go through and keeps the solids on top.
I pour the blue bucket into the collander this time and then put the solids back into the blue bucket. They will go downstairs into the worm bin. The liquids will go to the wood chip pile.I'm having a bit of a challenge with fruit flies in our worm bin, but worms are the best way to compost kitchen scraps for us. Then, after the tumbler is finished with the larger stuff, the worms finish that off, too.

The Blue Bucket Cycle

We keep a three-gallon bucket by our sink for kitchen scraps and non-soapy water.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

The worm bin component of the water / compost operation

Problems in the worm bin in the spring include fruit flies. Here we are cleaning out a couple of trays to start over.